Photographer Feature: Christina Watkins

Our featured photographer for today is Christina Watkins, who services the Montgomery Alabama area! Christina loves capturing the spirit and joyfulness that represents ones life.  she believes that the moments that are created can go by so quickly, that you have to make every moment count. To capture your story, please contact Christina at and check out her photography at! 

What initially got you interested in photography?

I have always loved Art even as a kid. If I wasn't drawing, I was listening to music over and over again. When my son was born, I felt the urge to do something just for me and so I took an Art class at the College of Charleston and at the same time I had gotten a new camera. I started documenting my son's first year and I started a blog when my daughter was born so that I could share it with friends/family. The next thing I knew, I was capturing moments for others and bringing those same emotions for others to enjoy when they saw their pictures. Being a photographer is so much more than just taking pictures with a nice camera. When people share a little piece of their love with you or you get to see the love or joy in their life, it's a beautiful thing! I am constantly reminded how to see the beauty in our lives!

Do you have formal training? Self taught? Mixture of both?

I’m self-taught and it's amazing to see how much has changed from the beginning....because wow, those experimental years are kinda embarrassing now! I have shot with and for other photographers who have helped me a long the way and helped me grow. I am still learning and every year I see my photography change. I took the long route though so I don't know if it's the best way if you are going to get serious about photography!

What gear do you have in your camera bag? What equipment do you favor most?
I have a Nikon D700. Nikon D810. Nikkor 50 1.4D, 50 1.4g, 85 1.4, 105, and a LensBaby Pro with Double Glass Optic. I will have to say the 50 1.4. It's such a great lens!

What are your favorite seasons/subjects to shoot?
My favorite season is spring. I love the colors and the weather. I love everything blooming and the sunsets. My favorite shoot would be of a child! I think it's fun to get their personalities to shine through when it's just me and the camera! I love expressions and seeing the innocence and joy in such a beautiful little person!

Describe your style in 3 words. How has your style evolved over your time as a photographer?
I don't know that I have a specific style but I love to shoot in an editorial way. I think over time my photography has changed because I am tapping into what makes us emotional and real. Capturing that on camera has changed so much in my photos!

What's your most memorable or funniest "on the job" moment?
I think my favorite moment is when I got paid for the first time. I was shooting with another girl at the time and we went back to the car and I just started this full on break dance with horrible movements in the front seat! I was just so excited!

Where do you draw your inspiration from?
My photography inspiration comes from so many things but I get inspired just by emotions. I love bringing people closer together and connecting so I try to find a way to always bring a connection or emotion out of a shoot.

Best editing tip?
Get organized. Sometimes taking 500+ photos and not knowing where to start editing can be overwhelming. The first thing I do is organize my photos. I will go through them all, highlight the ones that are keepers, narrow down the ones that are duplicates, make folders if needed. (especially events) Turn on and start editing! 
How has photography helped shape how you see the world?
Oh wow, I think photography has changed how I look at the world in so many ways! I am living my life more in moments now and appreciating my time so much more than ever! I see the beauty in even the most dead of leaves and trees. I also feel like it's made me focus on what's in front of me and not worry about the things I can't see!

Give us your best photography related tip!
Learn your light. Lighting is everything.

Thanks Christina! Make sure to check out the stories Christina has captured at!

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